Today I Saw

Sebastian James
2 min readMar 20, 2020

I saw somethings today that I want to write down. I’ve been going to the grocery store each day, to observe how things are going and pickup essentials. Today was no different, I set out shortly before noon. Walking to the store, only a few steps from my building, I saw a firefighter carrying two identical items to a truck parked in front the station. In each hand he had a canister of oxygen, and was loading them into the truck. The bright red truck was full of them. They could only be bound for one place.

Earlier this morning, I received a sobering text from my friend who is an RN. In her text, she shared some details with our friend group from the frontlines. During her evening shift, which she had just gotten off from, a major hospital in New York had reached full utilization of its ventilation machines. This meant that critically ill Coronavirus patients had begun to hit ICUs in force.

This is probably the beginning of the worst for the healthcare system. We’re at a stage where every hour counts, and it is only mid-March. There is a reason why the country is on a war footing against COVID-19. We have seen the scenes in Italy, the horrible human toll. And now to learn that we may be dangerously unprepared, leaves me very uneasy.

I couldn’t write anything about the portfolio without sharing what I saw today. Our healthcare workers are in for hell.

(In lighter news; Today I was able to get ground beef, finally succeeding on the third attempt this week.)

